Mrs. J. R. Winchester Dead
On Her Seventy-Fifth Birthday Moth-
er of Dr. F.M. Winchester
of This City Passed Away - Death
Due to a Fall Two Weeks Ago -
Funeral This Afternoon.
After rounding out three-quarters
of a century of a useful, consecrated
Christian life, Mrs. J. R. Winchester
of this city fell peacefully asleep
last night at St. Peter's hospital at
8:37 o'clock. It was her 75th birth-
day. Sunday night, October 15, she
had fallen to the floor while attempt-
ing to rise from her bed and frac-
tured her hip. From the first, fears
were entertained for her recovery,
owing to her advanced years, and
her condition steadily grew worse.
She was removed at once to the hos-
pital and tenderly ministered to, but
the injury was too severe.
The funeral service will be con-
ducted this afternoon at 4 o'clock
from the residence by her pastor,
Rev. A. W. Pister of Trinity Metho-
dist church.
Mrs. Winchester was born on the
old Wolfe place three miles east of
Charlotte and the early years of her
life were spent in that neighborhood.
[F]or about twenty years she was a
member of Sharon Presbysterian
church, in which she was brought up.
In 1856 she was married to Mr. J. R.
Winchester who, with eight children,
survives. She then went with her
husband to the Methodist Church at
Monroe. For about fifteen years
they had been living in Charlotte.
With Mrs. Winchester at the last
were all of the eight children, Dr.
F. M. Winchester and Mrs. Minnie
Benton of Charlotte, Mrs. W. C.
Reeves of Raleigh, Mr Henry Win-
chester of Dallas, Tex., Mrs. S. W.
Porter of Charlotte, Mr. Benjamin
Winchester of Clifton Forge, Va.,
Howard Winchester of Columbia, S.
C., Mr. J. R. Winchester, Jr of this
city. In addition, there are two
brothers, Mr. C. H. Wolfe of this
county and Mr. W. L. Wolfe of Hick-
ory and one sister, Mrs. Mattie Alli-
son of Linwood.
Only four years ago Mr. and Mrs.
Winchester celebrated their golden
wedding, in honor of their fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage, the
celebration being at the home of
their eldest son.
For about twenty-seven years Mrs.
Winchester had suffered from neu-
ralgia, but had borne the pain, and
also that of her last illness, with re-
markable courage, patience and forti-
tude. Her life was an exempli-
fication of the Christian faith, which
won the love and respect of all who
knew her.
Source: Newsbank Inc. (available online from Willard Library,
Evansville, IN; Genealogy Bank Database : accessed 24 March 2010)
citing Charlotte [N.C.] Observer dated 29 Oct. 1910.
Source: Newsbank Inc. (available online from Willard Library,
Evansville, IN; Genealogy Bank Database : accessed 24 March 2010)
citing Charlotte [N.C.] Observer dated 29 Oct. 1910.
Authors note: I believe this to be the wife of John Robinson Winchester, Julia Wolfe.
According to my records, John Robinson was the son of William Daniel Winchester and Mary Winchester(maiden name?), of Union County, North Carolina.
Comments and corrections welcome.
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